Beating Procrastination Without Breaking the Bank

4 min read
Evidence based
Dainius Jakucionis, MD
By Dainius Jakucionis, MD Updated on 2023 Dec 12

What comes to mind when you think about your commitments? 

Do you wonder if you’ll have the energy to complete them?

Are you stressed about the time constraints? 

Maybe you simply don’t want to get them done.

You, my friend, could be a procrastinator. 

Procrastination isn’t a fixed problem – it fluctuates and can have very different effects and symptoms depending on each person.

There are some classic styles, however.

Let’s look into them.

The six styles of procrastination

We can break down procrastination into six distinct styles. These are:

  • The perfectionist
  • The dreamer
  • The worrier
  • The crisis-maker
  • The defier 
  • The overdoer 

Let’s take a look at them in some more detail.

The perfectionist

The perfectionist is reluctant to begin or end a task, as they usually don’t want anything to be less than flawless.

The perfectionist pays attention to detail – too much attention. Instinctively, you’d think a perfectionist wouldn’t be a procrastinator, but that’s not true. They pay so much attention to detail that they often can’t overlook the little things and finish projects.

The dreamer

The dreamer isn’t a fan of details, making their ideas quite challenging to implement. 

They have thoughts about extraordinary things, but somehow the details just don’t matter to them; they should be dealt with by someone else. As such, their thinking style is pretty muddled, and they procrastinate.

The ideal attitude toward work should be between these two styles, perfectionist and dreamer. Paying attention to details is essential, but nothing has to be 100% perfect all the time. Well, unless you’re building an aircraft.

What’s next, I hear you say?

The worriers

The worriers have a disproportionate, almost instinctive need for security – this causes them to be greatly afraid of risk.

They fear change, causing them to avoid completing projects so they don’t need to leave their comfort zone.

The worrier is so anxious that they ask themselves many “what if” questions. They’re cautious people, and because of that, they are quite afraid to step down and do what needs to be done. 

Worriers tend to spend a lot of time thinking about their tasks and feeling anxious about them.

The crisis-maker

The following style, the crisis-maker, is addicted to the adrenaline of living on the edge of jeopardy.

The crisis-maker tells themself that they work best under pressure.

The crisis-maker, who sits on the other end of the scale compared to the worrier, tells themself they work best under pressure. So they wait, and wait, until the last minute – and often they pull it off. 

Unfortunately, they pull it off with a lot of discomfort, and the work is, generally, not as good as it could be. It’s not really the best way to live life. 

If you’re doing this during your school or college years, it only affects you. You’re young; you can pull these all-nighters without much issue.

But if you get used to that lifestyle, it creeps its way into adulthood, which begins to affect other people too, causing much more severe consequences.

Just two more to go. 

The defier

Next up – the defier. 

The defier is a rebel, always seeking to bend the rules and do things their way.

By procrastinating, they set their own schedule and attempt to remain in control of things. More subtle forms of this type can be seen as passive-aggressive.

The overdoer

Last but not least – the overdoer. 

This type says yes too much, usually because they’re unable or unwilling to make choices and establish proper priorities. 

They have great difficulty making decisions and are prime candidates for burnout.

The overdoer does lots for other people and often procrastinates on what they actually need to do for themselves. 

How do we overcome procrastination – no matter the style?

There are many ways to tackle procrastination. 

But there’s only one that is both proven to work and doesn’t break the bank.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

What is CBT? 

It’s a type of psychological treatment that is effective for various problems, including depression, anxiety disorders, procrastination, ADHD, low self-esteem, and other mental issues or illnesses. 

Many research studies suggest that CBT significantly improves functioning and quality of life.

And guess what?

Sensa was built upon fundamental CBT principles.

Developed with the help of experienced psychotherapist Dainius Jakucionis, MD. – Sensa gives you all the tools you need to finally break free from the chains of procrastination and find yourself.

Fight back against self-doubt, forget the fear of failure, and reclaim inner peace.

Harness absolute self-control and learn how to focus and act on long-term goals instead of instant gratification.

Understand your own mind, and allow yourself to find the way things work for you. Become more focused, organized, and overall happier.

So, what are you waiting for? The rest of your life is right around the corner…

Dainius Jakucionis, MD

Dainius is a renowned psychotherapist, holding a Master’s Degree in Medicine and additional training in Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy.